March for Truth June 3, 2017

Press Release:


INDIVISIBLE EAST SAN JOSE has organized March for Truth (#MarchforTruth) at San Jose City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara St., on Saturday June 3rd at 11:00 AM.  People fed up with the lies, dishonesty and corruption in Washington, D.C. will gather on the plaza to demonstrate their determination to restore faith in American government by demanding transparency into Russian connections to the Trump White House, conflicts of interest, and obstruction of justice.

Participants are encouraged to bring posters and banners. Marchers will proceed to Plaza de César Chávez to hear several rousing speakers including Richard Hobbs, former Director of Human Relations County of Santa Clara; Mansi Shah, from Lawyers for Good Government; and Zoe Lofgren, US Representative.

Our demands:

  • An independent commission must be established and Congressional investigations should be properly resourced and pursued free of partisan interests;
  • As much information should be made available to the public as possible, and as soon as possible;
  • Congress should require Donald Trump to release his tax returns to clarify his business interests and obligations to any foreign entity;
  • If crimes were committed or if collusion is discovered, prosecution must follow

This march is part of the National March for Truth which will bring thousands of marchers to the streets all over the United States.  This is what Democracy looks like!

Indivisible East San Jose is open to anyone from the greater San Jose area interested in joining together to make our country live up to the promise of the American Dream. The name, Indivisible East San Jose, was chosen because many of the founders live in East San Jose and to help dispel the notion that nothing good ever comes from the eastside. Our members come from all parts of San Jose, the Santa Clara Valley and the peninsula.

For more information contact Ellen Turner at  or call Ellen at 408-272-9234 (home) or 408-910-7953 (cell/text)
