Speakers for the San Jose March For Truth, June 3, 2017

Gather at San Jose City Hall Plaza at 11:00 AM on Saturday, June 3 to demand a full and open investigation into the Trump-Russia connection. We will start the march to Plaza de César Chávez at 11:15-11:20 and listen to our four excellent speakers starting at noon. Representative Zoe Lofgren will go first followed by Mansi Shah from Lawyers for Good Govenment. Then we will hear from State Assembly Member Ash Kalra and Richard Hobbs from Human Agenda. Join us!

We have a terrific line up of speakers for our March For Truth! Representative Zoe Lofgren, Manzi Shah from Lawyers for Good Government, California State Representative Ash Kalra, and Richard Hobbs from Human Agenda! Join us for this important march in San Jose! Meet us at City Hall at 11:00 AM to demand full disclosure about the Trump-Russia connection.
